Friday, March 15, 2013


Words from Dr.Kulwinder Kaur, Student Advisor, Subject Association, Department of Sociology, Jamia Millia Islamia at the end of the event.

Dear All


Please forward this message to all of them through facebook, blogs etc as I can't reach everyone...

Your hard toil, efforts, team spirit, co-ordination, support to each other really created a winning team despite the initial hiccups. You and your classmates, worked in numerous seen and unseen ways...running around to shops for buying things, photocopying, getting printing work done, publicity,  lifting stuff, putting banners, texting, networking, making menus, food coupons, getting tea, water, food, stationary, printers, serving food and tea, screening films, putting up notices, making society watch, reports, helping with registration, writing concept notes, doing brainstorming to get things done, attempts at fund raising, writing applications, getting permissions, preparing budgets, handling accounts, sending invites, mobilising participation,staying in touch with paper presenters, working with them over mails, editing , abstract screening, making sessions, designing the structure, contacting speakers, reception work, manual work, writing papers, rapporteuring, doing discussions, chairing sessions, rising to every crisis, working after the office hours, on holidays, missing classes, going to different campuses, making calls, designing banners, posters, capturing all action through photographs, preparing quiz questions, Co-ordinating Jam, writing essays,  poems and shers, singing, dancing , playing guitars, your applaud, your taking care of guests from other universities, and invited speakers, your attendance, presence.....your lost sleep and comfort.....

All the above and much more...that remains invisible .....SO MUCH WORK HAS GONE INTO making Karvan-e Fikr, 2013 such a happening Academic festival!!!!        

I hope you guys realize the amount of work you all have done in many ways.....KUDOS to you all...keep it up and you will take this department to great heights..

I thank you all and feel very proud of you all!!  It was great working with you all...

Kulwinder mam

Wednesday, February 27, 2013




Register yourself at:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Good news friends!!

Honourable Vice Chancellor Najeeb Jung has consented to give the inaugural address for the Inter-University Student Seminar scheduled on 13th March, 2013.

Besides, Shri Harsh Mander has also agreed to be the Keynote Speaker for the Student Seminar on the same day.

We are also in talks with some noted sociologists like Prof. Dipankar Gupta and Dunnu Roy who might chair a session for the seminar either on 13th or 14th March, 2013.

And last but not the least, we are thankful to all of you for your support, we are receiving a healthy registration for all our events, if you are interested and wish to participate, please do not have a re-think rather take the plunge. It will surely be worth it.

PHOTOGRAPHY PARTICIPANTS who have got themselves registered will soon be informed through their e-mail / contact no. about the details of the event by their coordinator. Meanwhile, you are requested to look for the Rules and Regulations of the event already uploaded on the blog or Jamia Millia Islamia's official website.

Monday, February 18, 2013


Cum'on Guys! 

Be the early bird and register yourself by contacting our respective 'Event Coordinators'.  Our menu for 7th March includes: POSTER-MAKING, QUIZ, JUST-A-MINUTE, PHOTOGRAPHY AND ESSAY-WRITING. 

We have limited entries for all our events.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Abstracts  may be sent to the following:

Dr. Kulwinder Kaur - +919899122919 ;

Ishita Sinha - +919873639303 ;

You may send your entries in English, Hindi or Urdu to: latest by 27th February, 2013.

For further queries: Contact- Qadeem: 9990926883, Homam: 8744847114, Ishita: 9873639303. 


Students interested to participate for the events laid out in ‘Programme Guide’  should contact the respective Event Coordinator/s.

POSTER MAKING – Shagufta Abbas: +918585987303 ; Maitreyee Shukla: +919971303538

ESSAY - WRITING – Daud Arif: +919650179424 ; Owais Wani: +918447705050

QUIZ – Homam Ajmal: +918744847114 ; Meghna Srivastava: +919871655628

JUST-A-MINUTE – Mohd. Aalam; +917827959787 ; Shakir Ali: +917503704441

PHOTOGRAPHY – Neelima Chadha: +919868822178 ; Simad Ali: +919717945116

Participants may also register on the spot for the above mentioned events but their registration is subject to availability. You are therefore requested to register yourselves as early as possible.

Keep Visiting!!


VENUE:  M.A. Ansari Auditorium, JMI

                    DATE: 7th  March, 2013

·       10:00 - 11:00AM                POSTER MAKING

·       11:00 - 12:00PM                ESSAY – WRITING

·       12:00 - 01:00PM                        QUIZ

·       01:00 - 01:30PM                JUST-A-MINUTE

·       01:30 - 04:30PM                MOVIE SCREENING & DISCUSSION

·       04:30 - 05:00PM                AWARD CEREMONY

·       06:00 - 09:00PM                CULTURAL SHOW IN AMPHITHEATRE

Note: Photography Competition is also a part of our event, the photographs are to be sent with all the details, which includes the Name of the Participant, Caption and the institutional affiliation.

Contact the Coordinator: Neelima; +919868822178.


Last date for abstract submission revised and extended from 14th February, 2013 to 27th February, 2013. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Last Date for Abstract Submission : 14th February, 2013

Note : The last date for final paper submission will be informed to the respective delegates once their abstracts are selected.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Subject Association, Department of Sociology
Invites you to
The Annual Students’ Seminar and Academic Fair
'The Informal City'
Date: 13th and 14th March, 2013
Venue: Ansari Auditorium, on the 7th of March, 2013
            Mir - Taqi - Mir Hall on the 13th and 14th March, 2013.

The Events

Inter-University Students’ Seminar

Theme: ‘The Informal City
Date: 13th and 14th March, 2013
Time: 9:30 am
Venue: Tagore Hall, Mir-Taqi-Mir, JMI

Overall Coordinator :  Ishita Sinha -  9873639303
Sharp Focus: The Photography Competition and Exhibition

Theme: Capturing The Informal City
Date of Exhibition: 7th, 13th and 14th March, 2013
Venue: Ansari Auditorium, JMI on the 7th of March,
            Mir - Taqi - Mir Hall on 13th and 14th March,2013.
Rules and Regulation:

1.      The theme of the photographs is The Informal City
2.      Maximum number of entries per person is 2.
3.      First three places will be awarded.
4.      The prints should be 8 inches x 10 inches and mounted on a card-board sheet of 9 inches x 11 inches.
5.      Digital special effects are not allowed.
6.      The entries should have a caption on the front.
7.      Name and college of the photographer only with the digital copy, not on hard copy.
8.      Email digital copies for registration. Send to:
9.     The hard copies should be submitted by 1st March, 2013 at the following address: Dr. Kulwinder Kaur,  Dept. of Sociology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi – 110025

Coordinator : Neelima Chadha - 9868822178

Critique in Colour: The On-the-Spot Poster Making Competition

Theme - To be announced on the spot
Venue - Mir-Taqi Mir Lawn, JMI
Date - 7th March 2013
Timings - 10:00 am to 11.00 am

A poster can allow creative expression and encourage critical thinking. Through this event we hope to give the artistic student a forum to express his or her thoughts informal aspects of the  the city such as slums, urban poor, homeless, informal workers, and so on and the challenges it poses to the urban development.
Rules and Regulations:

1.      The poster should be related to the theme.
2.      Only sheets and water will be provided. Participants should get their own supplies.
3.      There should be only 1 participant for 1 poster.
4.      Only 1 hour will be given to complete the poster.
5.      Posters may or may not include text or slogans.
6.     Registration starts on 18th Feb, 2013 Participation will be limited, and decided on first come, first served basis. Participation will be confirmed on 1st March 2013.
7.   To register, e-mail: with your name, class, educational affiliations, and phone number.

Coordinators : Shagufta Abbas - 8585987303, Maitreyee - 9971303538, Rusti - 8010995584.

QnA: The Quiz


Date: 7th March, 2013
Time:  12.00 p.m.
Venue: Ansari Auditorium, JMI
This round is schedule to select ten teams out of total registrations. For this, teams have to answer a written quiz which will consist of 15 questions.

Date: 7th March, 2013
Time: 12.00 pm – 1:00 pm
Venue: Ansari Auditorium, JMI

This is the beginning of the quiz show. It has 2 parts.
1.      Quick fire: In this round quick questions will be asked continuously for 1 minute and answers are expected followed by the questions. For every right answer 2 points will be given. There will be no negative points.
2.      Question with Answer options: In this round 5 questions will be asked along with answers options. 15 seconds will be allocated to answer each question. For each right answer, 2 points will be given and for wrong answer there will be 2 negative points. Questions would not be passed so, answering each question is mandatory.
After these rounds, 5 teams will be selected for the final round. This selection will be based on obtained points in the earlier rounds.


This round has two stages:
1.      Long quick fire round: Again questions will be asked continuously for 2 minutes and answers are expected after every question. 2 points will awarded for correct answers and 1 negative point for wrong answers. Team will be free to pass the question.
2.      Limited time period round: In this round, 5 questions will be asked in each team and they have to answer within 15 seconds. Two points per each correct answer and 2 negative points per each negative answer, and 1 negative point for passing the question to next team.

After this round, points will be calculated and the top 3 teams will be declared.

Rules and Regulations:

1.      Teams should comprise of two members. The team members cannot be changed once the             competition has started.
2.       These questions will be asked from the field of current affairs, sports, cinema, politics, national & international affairs, literature and academics.
3.         Registration starts on 18th February, 2013. Participation will be limited, and decided on first come, first served basis. Participation will be confirmed on 1st March 2013.
4.      To register, e-mail: with the name, class, educational affiliations, and phone number of both team members.
Coordinators : Meghna - 9871655628 ,  Homam Ajmal – 8744847114 

The Written Word: On-the-Spot Essay Writing Competition

Date: 7th March, 2013
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Venue: Seminar Room, Department of Sociology.

We welcome those who have a way with words to participate in the Essay writing competition. This event will require one to exhibit analytical and critical thinking, clarity of thought, creativity and the ability to express oneself through the written word.
Rules and Regulations:

1.      The topics will be given on the spot.
2.      Under-graduates and post-graduate students will be judged separately.
3.      The content of the essay should be original.
4.      Total time to write the essay is 1 hour.
5.      The essay should have a minimum of 500 words.
6.      Only paper sheets will be provided.
7.   Registration starts on 18th Feb, 2012. Send an e-mail to with your name, class, educational affiliations, and phone number.

Coordinators :  Owais Wani - 8447705050, Daud - 9650179424  


Date: 7th March , 2013
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Venue: Ansari Auditorium, JMI

If you think you have the wits to take our hits, then we invite you to try the J-A-M.
The participants will be given topics related to current affairs, social problems or social concepts. They will get exactly one minute to present their take on it. They have to speak for one minute without any "repetition, hesitation, or deviation".Repetition" means the repetition of any word or phrase, or argument."Hesitation" and momentary pause will be closely watched."Deviation" could mean deviating from the topic, from the English language as we know it, from grammar as we understand it, from the truth, and from logic.

Rules and Regulations:

1.      The participants will get no more than one minute to speak.
2.      30 seconds of preparation time will be given.
3.      Topics will be assigned randomly.
4.      Presence of mind, creative approach, good reasoning, humour, language, style of speech will all be judged.
5.      Pauses, repetitions, deviations from the topic or grammatical errors will be negatively marked.
6.      Judges’ decision will be final in case of disputes.
7.      Registration starts on 18th February, 2013. Participation will be limited, and decided on first come, first served basis. Participation will be confirmed on 14th March 2012.
5.      To register, e-mail: with your name, class, educational affiliations, and phone number.

Coordinator : Qadeem- 9990926883

Film Screening and Discussion

Film: Yet to be announced
Time: 1.45 pm – 4:30 pm
Venue: Ansari Auditorium

Coordinator :  Meghna - 9871655628, Lakshita - 9818072889

Valedictory and Prize Distribution  

Time: 4.30 p.m.-- 5.00 p.m

Coordinators : Homam Ajmal - 8744847114 , Md. Abass - 8800153194 , Areeb Rizvi - 9953178408
Vote of Thanks : Ishita Sinha, Vice President, Subject Association

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

KARVAN - E - FIKR 2012-13

Welcome Viewers!!

                             The Subject Association, Department of Sociology is once again organising it's annual academic festival, KARVAN-E-FIKR 2012-13. 

Unlike, last year, this time we are going to have a 3 day event, which includes a full day of 'Cultural Programme' and two days of 'Inter University Students Seminar'.

7th March: Cultural Programme (Poster-Making, Essay Writing, Quiz, Photography Competition cum Exhibition, Just a Minute, Movie Screening and Discussion followed by a Cultural Show in the Evening.)

Students interested to participate in the above mentioned events should contact the respective 'Event Coordinators', the names and nos. of each coordinator shall be uploaded soon.

13th & 14th March: Inter University Students Seminar on the theme ''The Informal City''.  

Abstracts (250-300 words) for the Seminar are to be submitted by 14th February, 2013. You can choose any of the three languages, English, Hindi or Urdu.

Send your entries to:

We are still to include many other things. Keep visiting our page for further information.

Concept Note For the Students Seminar has been included.



                                                    March 13-14, 2013.
A Two day Inter-University Student Seminar, organised by the Subject Association, Department of Sociology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi as part of its Annual Fest,  “Karvan-e- Fikr” - 2012-13.
Concept Note :            
The Informal City till a couple of decades ago, by implication, meant only informal settlements. Today, it applies to a plethora of services and activities that the informal sector provides to the city and to the formal sector. A look at the literature will reveal varied attempts by structuralists and neo-liberals to describe and explain the causes of urban informality, as it is academically referred to.
The attention given by ILO to the term informal sector since its anthropological inception by Hart in 1970s led to its wide acceptance and popularity in academic and policy circles. While the introduction of the term “informal” served its explicit purpose of dismantling the notions of “culture of poverty” and “marginality” associated with the urban poor, it had one severe handicap. We are here referring to the dualism of formal vs. informal and its varied avatars and forms such as occident/orient, “homo economicus”/“homo socialists”, industrial/agricultural, city/ countryside, dynamic/ static, legal/illegal, manifest/hidden, licenced/unlicenced and organised/unorganised  that have been reproduced till the end of the previous century. This dual conceptualization tended to obliterate the complex differentiation in the economy. Some of the recent research, taking note of this lacuna seems to avoid viewing the informal and formal as being on two opposite poles. There is a growing realisation to look instead at the “interstitial spaces” where the two merge to fully comprehend the fragmented character of the economy. Despite the ambiguity of the concept of informal, today it can safely be established that informal is not just something that resides outside the formal, organised, capitalistic, industrial, official and regulated. The inter-linkages between formal and informal, urban and rural, immigrants and city dwellers, legal and illegal are only beginning to emerge in the contemporary works surrounding informality. This entails looking at questions of inclusion, equity, sustainability, ecology, gender, diversity, and plurality with respect to processes of urbanisation and urban development.
Informality is not a purely urban phenomenon, as made out earlier. However, its various manifestations in the context of cities are an emergent concern because for the first time, in human history, the urban population surpassed its rural counterpart in the second half of last decade. The rate of urbanization also accelerated at an unprecedented rate for the first time since industrialization began. The majority of this urban growth is centred in metropolitan cities of the South. The implications of these facts on urban housing, employment, workforce, public health, sanitation, infrastructure, goods and services are quite scary. Further, given the spurt in illegal urbanisation of agricultural land and accelerated informal development within as well as outside the cities under the conditions of globalisation and liberalisation, the focus of epistemological enquiry has now shifted to “urban”. There is no doubt that issues that are clubbed under the rubric of “informal” have well marked historical
antecedents in the Marxist and Liberal thought. The contemporary discourse, however, is centred in the Latin American empirical and planning tradition which some researchers hold can be a great source of analytical framework especially relevant to South Asia, Africa and Middle East. This framework goes beyond providing descriptive accounts of urban informality as seen in numerous monographs of slums in cities across the globe but also provides cues to address the political economy of the informality. The Brazilian planning experiments to rehabilitate and relocate the famous or rather infamous favelas, that have been heralded by critics, surely offer a critical ontological perspective to evaluate the role of different stakeholders and actors in urban governance to create a “slum free India”. Empirical reports by international agencies such as ILO, World Bank, and UN attest to the immense contribution of the informal sector to growth of the economy despite it being outside the purview of the official parlance. In this seminar, we propose to arrive at fresh insights based on theoretical, empirical and ethnographic work in the context of contemporary urban milieu.
Original academic and research papers are invited around the following themes:
·          Theoretical debates around urban informality.
·          Political economy of land acquisition, housing for urban poor, public health and sanitation.
·          Issues surrounding the eviction, relocation and rehabilitation of residents of informal urban settlements such as slums, JJ clusters , redeveloped colonies at the centre and the periphery of the city.
·          Implications of the spatiality of informal work and labour on gender, class, and ethnicity.
·          Interventions by civil society, artists, filmmakers, journalists, architects, planners and informal urban actors to subvert the formal city.
·          Politics of urban space and challenges for inclusive urban planning, development and governance.
·          Debating the policies of and processes of de- informalisation in a comparative context.


Guidelines for paper presenters:
Please note that the outlined themes are indicative and suggestive only. Papers touching upon   other relevant issues around the theme of “The Informal City” can also be considered for presentation. The call for papers is open to UG and PG students, research scholars or research assistants/associates, studying in government approved educational institutions from all streams such as social sciences, humanities, law, management, art, architecture and planning. The presentations may use audio-visual materials wherever relevant. The expected length of the final paper to be submitted my range from 2500 – 4000 words to be presented in 15 minutes. Local TA will be paid to the paper presenters, chairs and discussants. The interested participants should e-mail an abstract of 250-300 words to be screened by the Faculty of the Department of Sociology, JMI to the following by February 14th, 2013

Dr. Kulwinder Kaur                                                                  Ishita Sinha
Student Advisor                                                                          Vice President
e-mail:                                              e-mail:

For further queries: