Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Good news friends!!

Honourable Vice Chancellor Najeeb Jung has consented to give the inaugural address for the Inter-University Student Seminar scheduled on 13th March, 2013.

Besides, Shri Harsh Mander has also agreed to be the Keynote Speaker for the Student Seminar on the same day.

We are also in talks with some noted sociologists like Prof. Dipankar Gupta and Dunnu Roy who might chair a session for the seminar either on 13th or 14th March, 2013.

And last but not the least, we are thankful to all of you for your support, we are receiving a healthy registration for all our events, if you are interested and wish to participate, please do not have a re-think rather take the plunge. It will surely be worth it.

PHOTOGRAPHY PARTICIPANTS who have got themselves registered will soon be informed through their e-mail / contact no. about the details of the event by their coordinator. Meanwhile, you are requested to look for the Rules and Regulations of the event already uploaded on the blog or www.jmi.ac.in(events) Jamia Millia Islamia's official website.

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