Friday, March 15, 2013


Words from Dr.Kulwinder Kaur, Student Advisor, Subject Association, Department of Sociology, Jamia Millia Islamia at the end of the event.

Dear All


Please forward this message to all of them through facebook, blogs etc as I can't reach everyone...

Your hard toil, efforts, team spirit, co-ordination, support to each other really created a winning team despite the initial hiccups. You and your classmates, worked in numerous seen and unseen ways...running around to shops for buying things, photocopying, getting printing work done, publicity,  lifting stuff, putting banners, texting, networking, making menus, food coupons, getting tea, water, food, stationary, printers, serving food and tea, screening films, putting up notices, making society watch, reports, helping with registration, writing concept notes, doing brainstorming to get things done, attempts at fund raising, writing applications, getting permissions, preparing budgets, handling accounts, sending invites, mobilising participation,staying in touch with paper presenters, working with them over mails, editing , abstract screening, making sessions, designing the structure, contacting speakers, reception work, manual work, writing papers, rapporteuring, doing discussions, chairing sessions, rising to every crisis, working after the office hours, on holidays, missing classes, going to different campuses, making calls, designing banners, posters, capturing all action through photographs, preparing quiz questions, Co-ordinating Jam, writing essays,  poems and shers, singing, dancing , playing guitars, your applaud, your taking care of guests from other universities, and invited speakers, your attendance, presence.....your lost sleep and comfort.....

All the above and much more...that remains invisible .....SO MUCH WORK HAS GONE INTO making Karvan-e Fikr, 2013 such a happening Academic festival!!!!        

I hope you guys realize the amount of work you all have done in many ways.....KUDOS to you all...keep it up and you will take this department to great heights..

I thank you all and feel very proud of you all!!  It was great working with you all...

Kulwinder mam

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